On a few occasions in my life, I've had encounters with the Police. Not one of these times has been pleasant and/or helpful. If I'm ever in trouble, if I've been jacked, had a knife cut me or something equally unpleasant the police are no where to be seen.
But when I walk down the street and change direction that is when I see the police. 10 of them jumping out of undercover cars, to search and question me about my motive for changing direction and throwing a gum wrapper in a skip. They also like to enquirer about which way I intended to stroll on an unplanned early morning walk, and then knock on my door to verify my 'story' with my family at 7am.
Other times when I've had something on me that maybe I shouldn't of had (in the eyes of the law - not mine), the police have confiscated it and then made totally inappropriate remarks about using my possessions at staff parties.
I feel its right (and a right) to question these people. Why are you doing this? Is that an appropriate 'joke' for you to make? Some people I know don't like when you talk back to the police or figures of authority. If I do I'm not doing it cause aggravation. If you feel something isn't right you should question it. It's really about trying to not let yourself be intimidated by some shinning lights and walkie talkies.
In another instance with them 'law enforcers' I was shoved against a wall and body searched for nothing more than sitting on a roof and then jumping off. There's not much to do in Catford. In fact there's nothing to do and no one to do nothing with, what's wrong with sitting on a roof?
I'm sure there are decent police officers out there, but so far I haven't encountered them.
1 comment:
FUCK THE MOTHERFUCKING POLICE. oh wait that's american. In british it's, the Police are a bloody wankers.
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