Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Saturday @ 333

I'm going to here on Saturday
I reckon I'll spend most of the time in the Basement - cos I'm gutter.
Dexplicit is one of the biggest Bassline DJs at the moment.
And As usual, It's always a pleasure to see Tomb Crew tear up the deckle.
Maybe I'll get my T-Shirt,
although, probably not.

I was watching 'real football factories' last night, and I like the way Danny Dyer talks.
I might start talking more like him.
"It's gonna be naughty"


--- said...


You gonna join me in this?

It's gonna get naughty

Unknown said...

unfortunately we only have a girls size tee left, the other two are reserved.....sorry! hold tight the 333 soundsystem...