Friday, April 25, 2008

Facebook Groups

I think someone should make a 'Wasted Superstars' group on Facebook

But not me, cos I'm not on Facebook, because there's too many people I'd rather not have to make awkward conversation with,
such as
"Oh hey."
"Hey, how's it going"
"Yeah, life's pretty cool, I'm working at (insert generic shit job here)"
"Oh, that must be pretty cool, I finished at (insert generic university here) last year; and now I'm working in (insert shop or simmilar terrible use of a graduate degree job here)"
"Cool, are you still with (insert girl/boy's name of someone you never use to like here)"
"Nah, we broke up long ago, now I'm with (insert name of boy/girl you use to hate equally here)"
"Oh wow, I never saw that coming. Remember that time when (insert clutching at straws, barely memorable, unfunny moment involving the both of you here)"
"Oh yeah, that was heavy"

And then people can join, and we can actually find out how little the amount of people actually read this blog.
Good ideas - I'm full of them

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