Monday, May 12, 2008

Lots of pain in pop

It all started so well...

Went into work and the cool, chilled manager was there. There wasn't much to do because of the good weather and the end of term. And then...

I'd just finished making a girl a coffee and was bringing it to her, when my friend Kim turned around unexpectedly. He was about to bump into said coffee so I pulled my hand away and as I did the boiling coffee spilt all over my right hand. It was VERY painful. My colleagues helped to me to run the poor hand under water and then wrap it in ice.

I kept alternating between the ice and water for 45 minutes or so and then decided, even though good intentioned, I didn't like the fussing. So I left work around 12. Without the cool water my hand stung out in the hot air, it was really intense, especially on the Victoria line back to Brixton. I felt like a prize fighter sucking in the pain. CM will remember the infamous sun burning accident. Well it was like that kind of pain but not as bad cause it was more localized., and even though it stung the same the sunburn had other strange effects.

When I got back to the Brix, I dashed into Boots and bought heavy duty Ibuprofen. Went home, scoffed more than I should of and kept my hand in water for about an hour. It doesn't really hurt now, but that could be the excessive drugs taking effect. The day's been pretty boring since then. I couldn't do Uni work, or earn money at work-work. Plus there's no real moral to learn from this accident. I just hope it heals up soon and doesn't happen again.

By the way the title of this post is a reference to the biggest of the blisters on my index finger, that looks like a strange growth. In a nut shell, I reckon there'd be pain in that pop.


Syd said...

Hope your hand has calmed down, sounds nasty, although there is something quite satisfying about a popped blister or is that just me?

You should definately try and get to Berlin, I think it would be right up your alley. I recommend you swap the Fuzz for the Tron though, you won't regret it,they were around first and their name doesn't remind me of women's parts.

The possibilities are endless for those kind of pubs in North London, so do come again and I'll show you more high/low lights.

Syd said...

Also meant to say, I'm really glad someone else still appreciates tapes, I rediscovered my love for Elastica the other day by playing them.

I wish I still had my original white plastic Walkman

Kalou said...

I have been told by another friend to pop it but I don't know. Isn't it a natural defense by the body to stop infection. Plus I do think it'd hurt a lot if it was popped. It's not a good look on my finger though. Definatly wouldn't be in Vice's 'what's hot'.

Elastica are really good, probably even better on tape! Plus
they link in with my M.I.A. post, cause she directed the Mad Dog video, did artwork for 'the menace' and lived with Justine (apparently).

While Walkman!!. What happened to it?

Syd said...

It broke unfortunately.

I wish Elastica had made a few more albums, they could have fitted a few in before The Menace, they were a bit lazy. I used to follow Donna around a bit in Camden as I liked her the most.(she didn't seem to mind)I should get into M.I.A more as a show of respect.

I remembered(looked up)that I stayed inbetween Nob Hill and Tenderloin in SF!

Kalou said...

Camden sounds like it was a really cool place in the mid nineties. Wish I could of been there.

I think Donna wrote my favourite song from the Menace 'Nothing stays the same', so props to her!

I think I know where you mean.lst