5. Texting - Always sounds really stupid when you read it back in the morning
4. The Internet - Similar to texting but your likely to write more and therefore risk not only being dumb but possibly offensive
3. Blazing - It doesn't mix. Seems like a good idea at the time until your brain is swimming around your head and continuously bumping into the sides.
2. Girls - Although being tipsy/drunk is commonly seen as the best time to talk to girls/boys you like the look of, its not. It will most probably end in an embarrassing and/or saddening way.
1. Drinking More - Self explanatory really but side effects include vomiting in the gutter, banging headache in the morning and depletion of monetary funds.
Don't worry though, drinking isn't all doom and gloom. Find out why in the next installment!
I'd also like to wish my team good luck for tomorrow against Newcastle.
We can do this, even if West Ham just roll over and gift Man Utd a win.
Amen to that one brother
Amen to the drinking.
Amen to Chelsea support
Amen to West Ham letting man u thump them
Listen to Headlights- Get your head around it
I'm quite liking them at the moment. Think you will too :)
You can download it here:http://www.sendspace.com/file/1obco5
Ill check it out, thanks for the tip off.
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