Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The last great pop star?

Around the years 1997 to 2000 I consumed a lot of pop culture. I watched a lot of cable tv, and being the age I was, with the interests I had this meant lots of MTV.

At that time there was wasn't all these spin offs and what not. No freeview, no Channel U, no religious rock channel. Back then it was MTV or the Box, love it or leave it. I loved it. I preferred other music to teen-pop but liked to see what was around. Which brings me to my main point. The last great teen pop star, Jessica Simpson.

This song basically perfected that synthetic pop backing track that was all the rage around the late 90's, although it kind of incorporates that twangy 80's pop bass and heavy snare. I really love this production. Not all the time, in-fact very rarely, but in this song I just think it's done to such good effect. I love how the synth sound cuts out half way through the chorus and leaves just the bass and drums! Every part of this song for what it is, is flawless.

Its strange how things change. I remember when this sort of thing was ALL you heard from mainstream pop music. Now you very rarely hear a pop song with so little pretensions to being quirky or cool. It was purely made to be catchy, appeal to certain demographics and ultimately sell units and sometimes, that's not such a bad thing.

Jessica Simpson may be a bit of a ditz, but she can sing. The video for this song is also a classic example of the style of the time - done well.

Big up JS. There aint no rules.

Singing live on TOTP, cause youtube won't let me embed the promo.


Okay, I just discovered that the 80's sounding snare and bass weren't just a coincidence. A lot of thee music was sampled from this big tune from John Cougar from 1982

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