Tuesday, December 2, 2008
i am leaving too
I have my very own blog to run where i want to focus upon music and movies as well as my own thoughts.
feel free to visit and navigate through:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
So long
Me and my cousin thought up the idea for Wasted Superstars.
Well, it wasn't so much of an idea,
more a really cool name.
And I had high hopes for it.
So I started a blog, and invited the most learned minds to join me on it.
But like a jugganaut out of control...things got out of control.
My vision of what I wanted became wildly warped as different ideas came in.
So I'm going to no longer be writing on Wasted Superstars blog,
I'll still be The Man, and I'll still be getting pissed off, still repping Wasted Superstars
But I won't be writing for Wasted Superstars.
I'm Wasted 'till I die
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Proposition eight
Part of me wishes I registered to vote in CA.
At one point of my life I was going to apply for a California Drivers Permit when I was 15 but I never got around to really learning how to drive. I spent enough time in CA back then but I'd always feel the strong need to come back home to manhattan.
I was thinking maybe things would've been different if I spent that time in SF instead of LA.
I so would've voted against Prop. 8. I don't think it matters who you love and decide to spend your life with. I find the entire California voting system for propositions highly interesting. There have always been other propositions that I wish I could vote for.
Alas, its the wish of a manhattan voter.
I think I can be a bicoastal voter.
NVM I will be
And I hope Prop. 4 fails miserably.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
New York City's Times square is a madhouse.
I'm at a starbucks by times square and its crazy.
Everyone is so excited about Obama.
And I am too.
I voted for him.
Everyone outside is excited for change.
Fuck you joe the plumber.
This has given me some hope in life, just a bit...
maybe i can do the things I say I can do..
Go obama. You deserve the limelight and I believe you can do great things for america and its stance in the world.
I am a proud american right about now (dosen't happen too often) and maybe sam is too, just maybe?
But he's more british than american, obviously.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
It's so last season.
I know alot of people are feeling the pinch but it's so tedious hearing about it all the time. One thing's for sure I won't be buying Morrison's new economy range, which comes in fetching fluorescent yellow packaging, there's no way you'll be able to hide it under other quality goods. The shame of it!
tea and phone calls
It made my day a bit.
for the moment things are going pretty well right now, but i am aware it can blow up in my face.
I wish I could just go to LA where things are warmer and hang out with Sam and Peter..
take them around the city I loathe...but only to the places that ever made me happy as a child.
Because when I was a child, I loved California.
It was a place with open spaces, you got to ride in cars, and EVERYONE HAD A POOL! You could swim in the winter!
I'd only want to go to LA if Either peter or Sam or both were there..
there are a list of places in LA that made me happy when i was a kid..
ill compile a list soon enough.
in the meantime i miss peter and sam.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
the future of bbc
This is not helping my fears.
If the BBC becomes so diluted like popular american radio, I'll cry.
What will i listen to on my computer?
maybe xfm, if it manages to last.........
Poor Russell Brand & the state of UK radio
I loved his Radio 2 show.
So what, it was a prank call. Really?
I don't understand. UK radio was always supposed to be better than US radio.
That's why I listen to the BBC and XFM all so religiously.
Not too long ago, Alex Zane was suspended for a week for allegedly playing a song about rape.
That sucked cause I couldn't listen to alex zane on a real radio when I was in london.
The Associated Press has said this case is reminiscent of the antics of American "shock jocks" like Opie and Anthony. In 2002, DJ team Opie and Anthony were fired by CBS Radio after broadcasting a live account of two listeners having sex in New York City's St. Patrick's Cathedral.
But they are back on the radio, at 92.3 KROCK in new york. Opie and Anthony aren't as talented as russell brand.
The state of UK radio worries me.
How Global bought out the entire GCAP media empire for 375 million pounds.
Global is aiming to be the next USA Clear Channel Radio empire.
Clear Channel stations- like New York's Z100 manafacture nothing but diluted noncreative safe crap (or rubbish). They have Ryan Seacrest, ew. AND ITS NATIONALIZED across clear channel top 40 stations! GAWD!
Clear Channel's programming of shows on similar formats are clones of each other.
Look what's happening with the Heart and Galaxy brands. I don't know much about Galaxy or Heart, but I can figure all that was manafactured on very expensive marketing data and research from all sorts of media firms.
Creative brands like XFM I fear are going to be phased out. South wales gone. Scotland gone.
Virgin radio is in ashes, viva la Absolute.
If Radio 1 ever gets privatised, they could too be spitting out rubbish like Capital FM.
I've been reading in the guardian how there have been talks to privatize Radio 1 and 2.
The Guardian has even written how Radio one has failed to capture its demographics as set by Ofcom. So what are they going to do rehaul the station to dumb it down? I would rather hope not.
The one thing I love about BBC radio 1 2 6 music is the creativity and diversity of the programming. I can listen to the best new music by Huw or Lamacq- a little bit of shaun keavney, annie macs mashups, pete tong, rob da bank, mikey davies punk show, etc.
You hear it all, from punk to dance to stuff like russell brand on radio 2.
Or you Did hear russell brand.. It's such a scandal. It is a shame that I can't hear my Russell Brand anymore.
The reason it's such a scandal is because it was on BBC. Tim Shaw has done much worse at Kerrang Radio and no one's talking about it.
I predict when Russell Brand comes back on radio, he will rise from the ashes.
The BBC has been talking about regulating "possible offensive" programming...
So what? It's going to be as boring and drabby as American Radio?
New York City is a plain example of that.
New York City has some of the worst radio available to young people 15-24.
sorry I don't fancy diluted hip-hop or crappy top 40. Blah.
Even I would rather listen to the oldies station in new york than anything else, really.
LA radio is alright. Better than New York by far but not quite UK.
Pulled off from the guardian:
The Director-General of the BBC, Mark Thompson, today launches a staunch defence of the BBC's creativity by warning the corporation will not 'overreact' to the tumultuous events of the past week that tarnished the careers of two of its most famous presenters.
In today's Observer, Thompson insists the BBC will do everything in its power to ensure the breakdown in editorial standards that resulted in the broadcast of obscene phone calls from Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand to the answering machine of the Fawlty Towers actor Andrew Sachs never happens again.
But while acknowledging there are 'absolute boundaries which we must never cross', and that on this occasion the corporation got it 'spectacularly wrong', he insists the BBC's creativity must be allowed to thrive, despite calls for it to rein in its ambitions following the explosive row that has raised profound questions about the broadcaster's wide-ranging remit.
Damn Tories all overreacting to this.Just put back my russell brand and jonathan ross.
This sachsgate controversy has gotten out of hand.
I thought the UK media was always more liberal (and more informative) than US media in general.
I just hope the programming creativity of BBC Radio WILL NOT BE COMPROMISED.
If it continues down this road, it could end up as terrible as American Radio.
Actually not all american radio is bad, but most of it really is.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Oh yeah in other news, Roachee, formerly of Roll Deep, is out of prison and back on the nusic game (incidentally, the guy who produced this tune, Maniac, is at the start of this video, conducting the orchestra. I love that)
Yeah, lesson of the week:
You can't live on biscuits alone, eventually you will fall on your knees.
Quote - Bukowski:
"Sex is interesting, but it's not totally important. I mean it's not even as important (physically) as excretion. A man can go seventy years without a piece of ass, but he can die in a week without a bowel movement."
Thursday, October 30, 2008
life in general
Friday, October 17, 2008
After getting harassed by all the stand in the doorway salesman we arrived at our chosen place - Aladdin's (which is fucking good by the way, really nice food, pretty cheap and wicked atmosphere. Oh and the guys who run it are dressed like gangsters.)
Anyway I was standing around outside having a smoke and this good looking girl strolls by, se had a really curvy figure and held herself well (one might say). The doorman looks at me, flicks his tongue out and goes "she's not a tiger mate, she's a lion!" I cracked up. Doorman always think they're the shit don't they.
Big up doorman and big up lions not tigers.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
law and order: special victims unit around the corner
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Anarchy-my arse
Saturday, October 4, 2008
phantom planet and rocket summer

Phantom Planet was one of my favourite bands.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Well, if you are and you check it out now you would realize it has changed for the better.
For a start, it has a smarter interface to navigate around, and more importantly it is now exclusively for music.
I also have also added a few contributors joining which know a range of different types of music to make it varied from my taste which i will enjoy greatly.
Its only starting, so be patient, but i have a feeling it will be an okay read eventually and maybe a place to here new music or music you had forgotten existed briefly. If anyone from this site or browsing through from another feel they would like and more importantly feel they could contribute to it is more than welcome.
I look forward to any opinions shared. As you fellow bloggers know, its nice to get a comment occasionally even when its critical analysis of our opinions.
on a personal note, i share the sentiments about peters departure, but hay, i feel more jealous than anything. What an opportunity to progress on a personal level. Lets hope the blogs come rolling in soon from the commander.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
i miss peter
When I left england, I was thinking, I wish i had a nutty friend like peter back home.
He told me as we were walking around st. james park how all he ever wanted to do was to travel the world. He told me planned it for a long time, in advance, and saved up money for it for years.
Believe it or not, that was really a source of inspiration for me, cause I'm going after this crazy idea I had last march, nearly six months ago.. and it's just beginning to be reality.
So I planned it in advance and its confirmed, though I want to also have something else on my roster.. It's in the works.
So what I learned from peter is that if you have a goal you should have an organized plan to get there, and that its possible if things are done in an organized manner and planned well in advance.
I think by the time I see him in my ever so loathesome, nefarious, city filled with vapidity- which is techically my second home (aka los angeles) We'll both have interesting stories to tell.. but I know he'll have more to tell me! This will probably be the only time that I will ever look forward to a trip to LA. So I've decided that I'll probably introduce Peter and his cousin to my real friends (and there arent too many of those). That's part of the reason I decided to forgo on the rancid idea - plus the fact that I'll be back in january..
The truth is that I can't really get to my goal without a little help from my friends...and I am thankful that I have them.
So wasted superstars, anyone want to borrow a flat in manhattan in january? It's all yours. Just ask! (well If I know you in real life that is)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wasted Superstars from all corners of the globe have asked me to write this post. They wanted their voices to be heard and this is what their voices were saying;
"We'll miss Peter while he's gone, but we know he's going to have a great time exploring the world, climbing mountains, encountering real life Australians in their natural habitat and many more exciting adventures. Three cheers for P.A.M.!"
So now the Wasted Superstars have spoken, restart the press!
Monday, September 29, 2008
its all happening.
the battle for indie radio
Sunday, September 28, 2008
It's been starting to show.
i'm starting to dig grime a bit more.
Xfm is on my favourited on my internet bookmarks.
I bought this months Q on the coffee table with noel gallagher on it.
Not to mention that I've been eating Mc Vities biscuits...
and that i had mini weetabix choco chip cereal earlier this morning.
So i went out earlier to the east village with some friends of mine..
and i had a 20 pound note in my bag and some pence.
So my friend goes, "jean, have you been trotting to england these days"
im like uh why do you ask?
And she layed it all out, just like that.
the music i listen to.
the ribena in the fridge
and the pence from my bag as i was fumbling around for $0.50 USD (fifty cents).
i guess it's all starting to look a bit more suspicious, the secret trips to england, and then seeing the vinyl in my house with the price tags from "rough trade"
Oh well.
One day, I'm going to make it happen.
I'm going to move to london and tell no one.
I'd hide that much better though.
Maybe I am not so good at hiding the fact I went to the UK.
I'm good at it and not. If you go to my house and rummage through my stuff maybe...
I don't know...
but i think I am ready to leave new york.
cause when you grow up in manhattan..
& you're sick of LA
where is there to go?
across the pond.
i love drunk calls
I thought that was pretty sweet, so i go, i love you too peter.
even he was piss drunk, it was nice when your friends tell you that
so if you have a friend, tell them you love them even when your sober.
a public service announcement from jean
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
lost in the post/ hope not
it was okay though, I didn't think all that would add up though.
I did mail 6 packages to the UK so I would presume it would be a bit expensive.
Oh well, i love giving stuff to my friends. Makes them and me happy
Thank you, Bret Easton ellis
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I laughed so hard I fell down
Also I'm going to look into signing up to the website he uses to load up songs so I can plague you all. Look forward to it. You know you want it.
My buddy Jonny Yeah is the guy in the picture from this article which is pretty funny. The whole site is funny in fact. I particularly liked this one about facebook.
Anyone going to the gig at Goldsmiths tonight? Apparently it's free and there's some sort of Roots Manuva DJ set. Sounds good to me so I'm not going to look too much into it. Now I just need to get the enthusiasm to get showered and dressed and I'm on my way.
kids love lies and stuff
Friday, September 19, 2008
How To Be Nang
'Nang' basically means cool,
but when it's used by Lily Allen, it means 'I'm a little rich girl that's never been to the hood in my life, but wanna get down with the kids.'
The Times talked to a bunch of kids about how to be nang.
In the event that you aren't nang,
or are considering whether you are nang or not, which probably means you aren't.
Here are the rules of how to be nang:
1. Not Pete Doherty, who is a wasteman and can’t sing, but 50 Cent, who is the king of bling.
2. Not Australian soap operas, but EastEnders.
3. Not Harry Potter, because books aren’t cool, but you can read anything by Malorie Blackman in private and you might be told off (which is good) for reading Benjamin Zephaniah’s Gangsta Rap in school.
4. Not those rocker skater boy big black bags with diagonal straps but bags that say “Just Do It”, and, among certain sets, bags with Winnie the Pooh logos.
5. No Crazy Frog ring tone, but Grind With Me by Pretty Ricky.
6. Not clapping, when clapping is called for, but making gunny fingers and going “Braap, braap” which is the new “Pow Pow”.
7. Not Kate Moss, but Paris Hilton and her tiny dog.
8. Not rich, but not too poor to buy Academic sportswear, 50 Cent type bling, and Mayfair cigarettes.
9. Not McDonald’s, but Nando’s.
10. Not actually hating your mother, but pretending she beats you up.
I'm off to polish my gunny fingers, cos I've got to go to Nando's, to get out of my house while my mum wants to beat me.
sidewalk cafes..noah and the whale
For my UK audience, The sidewalk cafe is located on 94 avenue a, in the east village.
In America, post codes are called zip codes and they as designated by numbers.
Zip Codes are always five numbers.
Manhattan Zip codes start with a 100, 101, or in the case of battery park city, 102.
Los Angeles (including West Hollywood) Zip codes start with a 900. Beverly Hills Zip codes are just fucking famous. santa monica is like 90401-05. Fuck, how I know this off the top of my head is just terrible proof that I have spent too much time in LA.. i digress.....
Can I just say How much I love noah and the whale?
It was just so amazing.
I think UK folk is my new thing.
I got to the sidewalk cafe at around 7PM.
Noah and the Whale went on at around 8 ish.
I decided to get some dinner before Noah and the Whale's set at the sidewalk cafe where I ate the special, malsala chicken and a chocolate mousse cake.
In the middle of my meal, a bunch of english people sat next to me.
Of course it was Noah and the Whale.
I talked to them a bit, asked which one of them is Charlie Fink.
I met him for a bit and talked to them about how I like their music and Laura Marling.
I also told him how I also heard his version of Ghosts for the BBC electric Proms. He said he forgot about that, but told me that laura was doing one of his songs and how laura sang one of his songs.
Thats cool.
So I ate and grabbed a spot for Noah and the Whale.
Noah and the Whale are so amazingly talented.
I just love that UK folk sound.
They had this instrument that looked like a box, but it kinda opened not sure what it was, but it was interesting.
thats what the box looked like, watch that video.
Their live rendition of 5 years time was missing laura marling poo.
Oh well.
But i loved how they played Second Lover and 2 atoms in a molecule back to back - in a theme!
They closed with Mary and a Smiths Song!
Then I stole a couple posters from the walls and added them to my door.
Oh Noah and the Whale, I love you so.
Viva la english folk.
It's made my week.

Thursday, September 18, 2008
i currently have the following
- forgetting sarah marshall (best film of 2008)
- the bank job
- the promotion
if they do not work, there is a link to watch them, the quality of picture is great
rancid recall.
do i really want to spend 300 on airfare when I can use that towards an airline ticket from JFK to LHR this winter.
I believe that everything this winter will go according to plan and it would be better than any opportunities i can get in the states.
I'd rather put the cash towards that...
and yes the possibility of social paranoia @ rancid is catching up to me.
I just can't face it. I can't.
Oh listening to the wombats - here comes the anxiety is not helping.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Fi fie. foe. fum. english folk is really fun.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So soon
Another day another blogger
I will apoligise in advance if I just dissapear for weeks or even months at a time...such is my want. As you can see from my own blog Too Orangy For Crows. I am bad at updating.
I am not sure what exactly to write on here as I'm sure this was started as some kind of urban music blog but I don't know what happened to that.
Upon discussing with Peter, it was decided I should put a link up to post secret. This is a site were people send in their secrets on postcards anonymously to the address on the site. It's updated every Sunday and has become a huge success. The thing that disturbs me most was brought up by my buddy Dave. A large % of them are about self hate or family problems but there is this tiny % that consists of people confessing to serious crimes. Like murder. I just imagine them ridding there conscience of killing someone but still not being punished in anyway as a bit full on. And yes, in a slightly worrying way, amusing. case and point
So I might just leave that one with you...quite an odd first post I know. I figured I should get my oddness out in the open from the get go rather then spring it upon you somewhere down the line.
Happy Fucking
Monday, September 15, 2008
i found ribena
I liked it.
It was sweet.
I loved it's black berry taste.
So I went to the east village today.
I had to go to this place I know that had dark chocolate mc vities biscuits that would go perfect with my PG tips tea.
and then I found it. RIBENA!
Of course being the nerd I am, I bought RIBENA spark and RIBENA.
I already drank that can of Ribena spark.
It's quite nice, might I say.
If you ever need to find Ribena in new York City,
go to Houston Village farm .
It's in the East Village, NYC on 4th st and 1st avenue.
viva la ribena in the states.
I have to stop spending so much time on the net.
Cause getting excited about ribena in the usa is just scary.
Oh well thats just me, getting excited over the dumbest shit. as usual.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
mystery jets
I have to say that '21' is such a solid album.
I love the mystery jets to pieces and that their sound is amazing.
They bring back the 80's but make it their own. It's original in a mystery jets sense.
I love how they added Laura marling on young love.
I wish the mystery jets would tour the states.
They should play a show or two in new york just for me!
I'm glad that when I came across the pond, they did a show at rough trade east.
I was quite disapointed when they cancelled some dj set they were supposed to do somewhere in south london, the meehan told me about it.. and i was looking forward to go with some mates, oh well.
I'm glad I got to see them perform for like 45 minutes for FREE! nonethe less.
I told this british this dude I liked the mystery jets, wombats, and the holloways.
Apparently this guy I talked to liked rock and motorhead.
He told me I belonged near Chalk farm road in london with all that indie,
and I couldn't help but smile.
But for right now, like noah and the whale + laura marling,
the mystery jets needs to come here.
do a show just for me.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
laura marling and noah and the whale
Friday, September 12, 2008
And the drums, the drums, the drums
There's the sub bass which is probably more crucial to D.S. as with Grime the focus can shift to the word if either the music isn't up to par or isn't being played on powerful enough speakers (for example phone speakers). The drums in both are important and often use irregular patterns and rhythms, sometimes veering towards like glitch music.
I have noted that in Night instead of the Sub bass being an aggressor as in a lot of Grime it is actually quite soothing. I haven't heard much dubstep but my detective powers lead me to believe this might be a common difference. I also think that while both genre's employ unusual drum patterns, the same rule applied in terms of feel. The drums in Night are very laid back and smooth while grime drums are often the opposite. It should be noted that while Night at first sounds like an alien song it is infact (im 99% sure) in standard 4/4 time.
The thought that originally made me write this was that it is in fact more the lovely rolling drums in Night that draw me to the song and note the keyboard hook that runs throughout. That and the bass.
feeling like shit.....
i was homeless......
Seven years ago I felt lost and afraid that all my belongings were destroyed.
I couldn't go home for months after that... and the feeling of having no home in manhattan was the worst feeling in the world.
The Manhattan core is the only place in the USA where I feel at ease.
Everyone knows by now that LA just gives me anxiety and I can't afford xanax.
In the months after 9-11, I wasn't a very happy person and I was subject to living in outer queens and spanish harlem (upper manhattan).
Spanish harlem just ain't my style. I prefer downtown manhattan.. where i can walk to soho aimlessly and appreciate the cobble stone streets and have that nice settling feeling that I'm downtown.
Today I'm remembering that feeling of uneasiness, lament, despair..
and I really miss being in my old apartment.
Because at heart, I'm a girl from tribeca..
and I'll never forget that.
I really miss tribeca a lot. It's days like this where I feel like I need to be in my old apartment.
Sometimes I sit in my current apartment and wonder how I ended up in the new york equivalent of leicester square.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
To Them We Must Pay Homage
Throughout music, the majority of people are looking for the 'new scene' or the new music about to 'blow'
Whether it be guitar-based, or of a more sound-system style approach.
I'm no different
My sister, on the other hand is stuck in a seeming time warp, of early 00's speed and 2-step garage.
I am a bit sad, because I was slightly too young for the garage revolution in the early 2000's that was sourced in the very area I live.
But now, as my musical education is getting better in all things 'urban', and I have started DJ-ing.
I have realised, in my haste, that you should never dismiss the past.
"Dwell on the past and you'll lose and eye, forget the past and you'll lose both eyes."
Because for every musical movement you are wrapped up in, the people that have gone before have curated what you love today.
For grime & dubstep heads, it is absolutely all about the garage scene in the late 90's
because without them,
none of this would be about, or if it was, it certainly wouldn't be anywhere as good/big as it is now.
So to all the garage music heads.
To you we pay homage
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Me going to the uk does not mean reading or leeds
Okay the idea of Reading and Leeds sounds amazing.
Festivals like that always seem better than they really are.
It's also like 400 american dollars to attend leeds / reading three days in a row.
And you have to either find hotels or take the train from london and back.
That's probably not counting the cost of water.
My connections also don't "work" in the UK.
So that means I'd probably never go to Reading or Leeds because I'd have to be on crack to spend $1200 USD to get to a concert, assuming airfare to LHR is about $800 USD.
The truth is id rather enjoy London, get lost at v + A, and go to the pub with my friends.
So people get surprised, since I'm really into indie, punk etc that I actually didn't fly in for Reading and Leeds.
I'm not much of a festival person anyway. I've only made one big trip for a festival and that was last year- for Coachella.
Now the assumption is that I'll go every year now...
um no.
Coachella was just terrible cause it was 110 F every day and at night it would get down to 60 F.
It's the desert. And i was passed out during the arctic monkeys and every other band I wanted to see. I was sleeping under a tent during hot chip. How terrible is that? I spent so much on water, its not even funny.
Every time I ever think of going to a festival I think of Coachella and talk myself out of it.
Thank god I practically went to Coachella for free cause if that cost me $1000 (USD) I'd be hella pissed.
I prefer mid sized festivals close to home where if it's too hot, rains, or the bands suck, I have the option of going home.
That's why I liked All points west w- radiohead.
The right amount of bands.
Not too big.
Weather = perfect.
And I survived with 20 dollars for the entire weekend (cause I was broke).
Jersey City was less than 10 miles from my place of residence.
and again, no. i didn't go to the UK for reading and leeds.
Rotten week
So far I've...
- Had less than 16 hours sleep in 3 nights
- Had my plans messed around someone, resulting in constant shift changing
- Worked a lot
- Lost my clocking in card, university card and photocopying card
- Had my oyster card stop this working this morning (4 days into a new monthly travelcard)
- Banged my head on a wooden table
- Messed up a bit a work
- Been given a bad hair cut
- Moaned to Peter too much
- Found out the optical drive in my laptop is faulty and would cost a bomb to replace
- Been messed around by Orange who charged me to get my PAC code and then never send it.
- Had no break with the house hunting...
- Had some woman shout "What you looking at!?" when she screeched her zooming car behind me while I was crossing Bromley road.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Deadly Rhythm presents DJ MK

Sunday nights are good for one thing.
Lying down, moping about having to go to bed early, and get up for work.
Not if you're a no-good-student-layabout.
Then you can party down to the sounds of DJ MK and the rest.
This looks like it's going to be a good night,
so, you'll see me in the corner sippin' on Champers,
but for some reason, i gotta face they all wanna ramp with
Friday, September 5, 2008

The first time I ever heard of Tricky was in LA many years ago. I was in Silver Lake, inside a building covered in Ivy while someone introduced me to Tricky's music. Let's just say back then, I didn't get it. I was too into punk rock to listen to anything regarded as experimental.. or anything trippy hoppy beyond Fatboy Slim. I think i started listening to Sum 41 too. Oh to be young and closed-minded.
It was amazing, and then I watched an interview with him. I also got Free mc donalds coffee!
The funniest part was before the live footage, his guitarist, this punk rock girl with bright red hair (you can see her in the photos before) was wearing this red and striped tie and tricky told her to take it off cause it was a "bit much". Tricky thought it was too matchy - since her hair was red and her shirt was black. So she had to learn to be less of a fashion punk, lol.
(I know some of the coolest fashion punks around, ahem t and v kidding)
And then the official photographer joked that "those willamsburg hipsters" dress like that all the time. Or something like, "Tons of hipsters dress like that in Willamsburg".
Tricky is from brighton and just released his latest album ,knowle west boy.
I think I might get it. His sound is truly unique.
Then I decided to go Irving Plaza downtown later at around 10:00 eastern standard time to check out his live show. As usual, I was given VIP status (look below) and enjoyed a proper Tricky Live show! The gig was much better than the videoshoot.
It took me many years, a trip to a TV studio, and a free Tricky concert to appreciate the artistry of Tricky.
Kids, only in New York.
(this kind of thing can only really happen in new york)
Eh, I guess it's not so bad to be home. But I still miss london. But at the same time, I don't have that sort of access across the pond, cos, you know, its a whole new set of people- different labels and all that within that world.
It dosen't matter, I prefer london and my friends there nearly any day.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Golly Gosh
Secondly why does the hairdressers never goes right? I say keep it long, 2 minutes later I have no fringe. To be fair he did ask me if the length was okay but I was flustered and confused and said yes....
Thirdly what a busy time its been recently. For a August when I didn't go anywhere it twas very eventful. Here's a list of some of the things that happened, for your enjoyment...
- Saw Calvin Johnson in an Arsenal youth centre
- Jean came over for a week
- Got two jobs
- Joined/went to the gym
- Got to hang out with KB for a day
- Re-discovered the Desaparecidos album
- Ellens's band released a single
- Thought about and saw houses
- Continued listening to Girl Talk all the time
- Chelsea rocketed to the top of the PL
Loefah (DMZ)
Afrikan Boy (Live)
Bassclef (Live)
Tomb Crew
Deadly Rhythm Soundsystem
I saw this in thelondonpaper a few weeks ago and it made me LOL on the train. I've decided I'm with the 'Get rich crew'. I'm tired of not having mad money like Jim Cramer and the rest would just take too much effort. Either that or a Bhangra Muffin, good name and sounds fun.
sitting around
Monday, September 1, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
the best week ever
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Carnival Time
There was a lot of people, a lot of noise, a lot of interesting smells, a lot of floats and a LOT of bass. They have some serious sound systems there. I'd read and heard about Jamaican sound systems but experiencing it first hand was great. As a side note that Sound system culture is often cited as the beginning of Hip Hop (and as a result Jungle, Garage, Grime etc), when it was brought to New York by Jamaican immigrants (most notably DJ Kool Herc)
We saw the guy below performing just before we left. Everyone there was really into it and seemed to know the words. It was cool, really positive, religious rap, but if you took the religion away you just had a positive message. The bass was booming but my phone doesn't pick that up at all!
Glad I resisted laziness and went.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
about rancid
Once is clearly not enough.
So I have decided If I decide to see them three or four days in a row, I will see them in Hollywood, CA.
It’s not exactly my first choice but it is the most economical one.
I want to come back to London in January when the fares are like 500 USD.
To go in NOV. and JAN. would be a bit excessive and much of an overkill.
I haven’t set foot for more than several hours since 2006.
I guess I am due back soon.
Seeing Rancid in tropical London would be pretty rad.
But the problem is I don’t have the access there like LA.
Cause once you cross the pond, everything is different.
LA/NYC the worlds are more intertwined.
I really want to see Rancid in SF. Again that’s not economical either. Since I don’t know anyone in the city of San Francisco/. Hotels there are quite expensive.
I get away with charging plane tickets to LA like its nothing.
So that is part of the reason. And other reasons too.
Anyway, so yes I did see Rancid at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia, PA Sunday night. After two days of Radiohead, it was a nice change in pace. Rancid played all the right songs and made me happy for an hour. The openers they had were okay. They had Big D and the Kids table and some other band.
That song, LAX always makes me laugh.
The worst part is that one verse about high fiving the bouncers cause I’m on the guest list applies to me to shows in NYC most of the time especially irving plaza.
I guess to see rancid in LA, its something I always dreamed of since I was little.
To see rancid in LA and SF… but after seeing them at CBGB cured that desire to being content to seeing them in New York.
The 4 day bb Kings stint in New York was great back in 2006. I went to three out of the four dates- because when rancid is playing two blocks from your house you don’t miss it. It’s a crime.
They had the slackers open one day and h20 open another day. That was fun.
You’d see all the agnostic front dudes too enjoying rancid.
Cause that the east coast New york pride right there.
I had some partial los Angelino pride when I was younger but that’s gone.
I loved how Lars sang OP IVYs Knowledge at the show.
They did the usual songs Maxwell murder, time bomb, roots radicals, basically everything from out come the wolves, nihilism, salvation, red hot moon (holla video shoot), Hoover street, anthem, who would’ve thought, and blood clot, oh yeah I do 360.
Lars didn’t do a billy bragg cover like last time L
I’m probably going to miss out on a lot this week which is not making me happy.
Rancid is having h20, theo and the skyscrapers, westbound train, sick of it all, and madball open.
I have LA.
I have LA.
I will fulfill my old dream of seeing Rancid in LA- even though it is not as relevant as it was before 2003.
But right now, I’m on a plane to el Salvador and the song Hoover Street is comforting right now.
Hopefully there won’t be a glass pipe murder.
I can’t help thinking about that time many years ago I was going from sunset// Alvarado to wilshire / Alvarado on an LA city bus (yeah I know, who rides the LA city bus) and slept and missed my stop. As you go further south on Alvarado street, it turns into Hoover. I got off and saw a group of people wearing el Salvador shirts on hoover street.
That was one of those, OMG its like the rancid song nerd moments.
I mean sometimes every now and then I walk up broadway from my apt around the time people get home from work- 5-6 PM..
And around 52nd st, everyone in suits is rushing to get home.
So it’s watching a 1000 people go home from work.
As a kid, I’d always get a kick out of seeing rancid at roseland cause rancid is on 52nd and broadway. Yeah nerd moment, I know.
Last time I came to London and I was at Leicester square, I was looking for some punks on the subway and from chalk farm road it felt like a long way to go to get there.
I’ve also seen several Puerto Ricans on 6th street.
Never ran into lars down on 6th street, but I thought if that happened in real life that would be funny.
Tahira and Vicky always tell me that you never know where lars ends up.
My mate barrie once saw lars eat at Red bamboo- this vegan resturant on w 4th street.
If they ever come to new york I should take them to red bamboo. They’ll eat there once I go- “lars ate there once and barrie saw it”
They’re rancid nerds like that, I think.
What you know about that?
It's none other than New Cross' very own Montague Arms! Don't believe me? Read it for yourself, straight from tuesday's 'londonpaper'.

I'm not sure I'd say its the best pub in the country, I'm even not sure its the best pub in the SE, but it's decent place. Accept for hitting my head on the low ceilings every time I visit it, I've had nothing but good nights there.
I even remember the first time I ever went there, which is rare. It was for the second ever Ubernators gig. We played three songs and I'd spend the the week prior to that gig rush writing 'Tell it like it is' so we had more than two songs to play. I've seen video footage of the gig and we were awful but it was fun.
Other memorable times at the Montague include seeing Naked Babes with PTM, which might have been the same night I met my friend Ruby. Most of the other memories of the Montague include R because she has big love for that place. I don't remember a lot of things these days but I do remember Peter really not liking one of the bands that night. I think it was Hot club de Paris. I think he was half joking.
So good on the Montague. I always feel welcome and comfortable when I go there and even though I'm not that fond of the embalmed animal heads and what not it gives the place a unique feel. Hold tight MA.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
El salvador
Don't ask but I'm singing hoover street in my head,
Now I'm the el salvadorian immigrant....
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Oh That's Stryderman
It's got more grime than Base, and less shit than Channel U
anywas, Stryderman by Tinchy Stryder came on.
Here it is if you're interested
Yeah, It's a really good song, with a really catchy chorus.
I like it, I like it a lot.
I've never been the biggest fan of Tinchy Stryder,
I think is voice is too soft for a grime artist, it's not raw enough.
But his bars are strong.
and I did like
Mainstream Money, Breakaway, and Underground (his first release)
And then I was thinking, I probably wouldn't recognise him if I saw him 'on road'
Then I thought that I'd like him to get big,
cos if Lethal Bizzle got big, he deserves to.
Oh, and every good post needs something 'Godfather of Grime'
I must say..
All points west..day one.

OH what fun all points west was.
Friday, August 8, 2008
To all points west I go.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Usually BUBBLE
On the back page, every week, they have a celebrities list of their favourite...something.
And this week was '5th Gear's Quentin Wilson's Favourite Watches'
which was unusual,
of course one of them had to be a Rolex.
and they had a picture of a Rolex, and the 'funny' caption read:
"Im off for a drink, dance, babble. You better be here when I get back."
It's not Babble, not by any means.
The journalists are a bit off the pace of youth there.
It's Bubble.
Thinking about it, bubbling is quite a hard adjective to describe.
So I'll resort to the fountain of all knowledge...www.urbandictionary.com
I found
BUBBLE: a form of dancing ( for example: a girl is wining and a guy goes behind her and she continues on to dance)
come here ma, let me go behind that bad boy!!! (bad boy meaning:ASS)
But I feel, even this isn't right.
Bubbling, is more sort of, busting a little one-two step, chatting to some girls, having a laugh with the man dem.
Generally having a good time.
Consulting RC about this,
he stated that by saying babble, it negates the point of the whole song, inferring, that you get drunk, try to dance & then chat some shit for a while.
So this is to say...no it's not.
This song should have come out about month ago.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
i havent heard that song in ten years.
i forgot it existed.
wow reef.
by the way, i like kenickie too.
so there.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Back in the Day
it's probably the best idea, and well produced grime songs since Wiley ripped Ashanti saying "Gangsters", and made...Gangsters
Smasher - Back in the Day. Part 1
Part 2
I especially love the line
"Since day 1 I've been a Creeper" (with Danny Weed's Creeper coming in the background)
And the More Fire Crew - Oi usage
Here's the Best, and Worst of Dizzee Rascal.
I'm off to a water fight in Hyde Park, I saw it beingadvertised on Facebook, anyone wanna come with me?
It's gonna be iller than Pamela Anderson (Cos she's got Hepatitis innit)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Rinse's 14th Birthday

18 West Central Street, London, WC1A 1JJ
With a super massif line-up; including a special set by PAY AS U GO!!!
Here's a video of Pay As U Go in their heyday, circa the late 90's
And about 5000 DJs clashin each other,
It's gonna be gonna be retarded!
Friday, August 1, 2008
you would have to think what was wrong with it origionally.
here is what i have thought would drastically improve the world.
1. Not invent religion
I understand it is very good for morale or those that cannot decide themselves the best way to live their lives, but surely as they differ they cause far to much trouble than they were origionally worth.
2. Not invent money
I really like the idea of being able to swap items directly. Then there are no middle man to take between you such as taxes and profit. I understand the items we have now would probably not be available such as the computer im typing on becuase we would not progress but we would not of known differently if we hadnt.
I really feel those things alone would make the world a better place
This is funny
Thank god I don't know any chavs. They seem like terrible people to be around.
From what I have read, they all wear BurrBree and they are ill-educated. Many chavettes wear gold hoop earrings and have too many children.

I had a nice chat with sam today! sam is fun on the phone.
Anyway, I'd probably like to chat with peter too, if he does not mind a loud american voice on the other line.
I can be meek and british if anyone wishes.
My accent is getting better.
In other news, I saw supergrass last night for free. I love mates that just put you on guest lists. But then again, I'm just used to it, It's just what I grew up with.
The gig was amazing.
sam told me his dad likes supergrass. Sam's dad also likes the wombats.
I conclude that sam's dad has good taste in music.