If you were wondering "What on earth is an MPC?" Wonder no more. Below is a fine picture of an MPC 1000
Okay, so you've seen it but whatsitdo? You can do many things on an MPC. One of them is perform live. This guy's made a drum beat, input these samples from a record or whatever, cut them up and assigned them to the pads. Once that's done he can perform them in real time and in whatever sequence he likes. Check it
Back in 2004 my friend Jack wrote a blog. I was reminded of it yesterday and read a few of the posts. I was smiling like a joker. Here's a link if your ever looking for something very funny to read http://catford.blogspot.com/
If you go to a live Grime event, there will no doubt, at some point be a reload/rewind.
This is where, the crowd gets so raucous, the DJ needs to pull the track back to the beginning and start it again
Here is an example of a reload or two. It is filmed in the good ole' Amersham with Skepta, Jammer & the OGs
I honestly can't imagine any other music where the crowd goes so sick the music has to be stopped. Even in the craziest of Death Metals, but then, they're just a bit sick. If you've ever experienced a reload, you know the feeling is amazing. This post is a bit lame, cos i really can't sum it up in words.
My Favourite Reload: Amersham, Skepta, 'Sweet Mother' came on, and Tomb Crew mixed it into T2 - Heartbroken, and the crowd went sick, I was talking to one of the members of Tomb Crew later on, and he said it wasn't planned, they was just doing it for a laugh, and even Skepta wasn't aware that it was going to happen,
What a disappointing film, one of the most boring I've ever seen. I had to watch it in installments cause it was so unengaging. Still here's some lists ala HF, in homage to the book which I hear is good. 2 people(s) I deeply dislike in the world:
1. Peter Keynon 2. Chelsea FC hierarchy in general (inc Roman Abramovich - People say "If he goes your fucked", but we finished 4th without his money and were steadily improving - we just needed some money to clear debts. Plus we had Lamps and JT pre RA, and could of afforded Kalou and thats all that matters.)
5 songs I want played at my funeral
1. Belle and Sebastian - The Rollercoaster Ride 2. Dizzie Rascal - Do It 3. Patti Smith - Piss Factory 4. Angelo Badalamenti - Twin Peaks Theme 5. Birdman & Lil Wayne - Stuntin' Like My Daddy (Hood Internet Remix)
3 things I want to see happen in the next few days
1. Get an MPC for a decent price 2. Have a good week 3. Laurie to blog
I like Annie Mac, I really do. But I was thinking, once you become a DJ on BBC Radio 1, does that mean you lose you're 'cutting edge'
Cos DJs like Mary-Ann Hobbs, Ras Kwame, Zane Lowe etc, champion 'new' music, does the fact that they are working for 'the man' make their 'new' music not as valid as underground DJs and magazines and stuff?
Fountains Of Wayne - Stacey's Mom With the Milf-tastic Rachel Hunter. The question is: What is that young boy doing at the end of the video that causes such a reaction of embarrasment from the kid, and a joyous look from the young girl? I wouldn't have thought it's the thing that first comes into mind.
Also, am I the only one that loves, but at the same time hates, the euphamism of bottles overflowing/champagne corks bursting out and all imagery like that?
Around the years 1997 to 2000 I consumed a lot of pop culture. I watched a lot of cable tv, and being the age I was, with the interests I had this meant lots of MTV.
At that time there was wasn't all these spin offs and what not. No freeview, no Channel U, no religious rock channel. Back then it was MTV or the Box, love it or leave it. I loved it. I preferred other music to teen-pop but liked to see what was around. Which brings me to my main point. The last great teen pop star, Jessica Simpson.
This song basically perfected that synthetic pop backing track that was all the rage around the late 90's, although it kind of incorporates that twangy 80's pop bass and heavy snare. I really love this production. Not all the time, in-fact very rarely, but in this song I just think it's done to such good effect. I love how the synth sound cuts out half way through the chorus and leaves just the bass and drums! Every part of this song for what it is, is flawless.
Its strange how things change. I remember when this sort of thing was ALL you heard from mainstream pop music. Now you very rarely hear a pop song with so little pretensions to being quirky or cool. It was purely made to be catchy, appeal to certain demographics and ultimately sell units and sometimes, that's not such a bad thing.
Jessica Simpson may be a bit of a ditz, but she can sing. The video for this song is also a classic example of the style of the time - done well.
Big up JS. There aint no rules.
Singing live on TOTP, cause youtube won't let me embed the promo.
Okay, I just discovered that the 80's sounding snare and bass weren't just a coincidence. A lot of thee music was sampled from this big tune from John Cougar from 1982
This is happening in Egg on Friday. Egg is definately my least favourite venue to get to. Built in the middle of a marshland, on the outskirts of an industrial estate in Kings Cross. It is a super good Venue, just, y'know, hard to get to.
This line-up is ridiculous, Probably the best Line-Up of any night I have seen since the 'Straight Outta Bethnal' Nights, that don't go on no more.
Unfortunately I can't go. I'm going to Manchester the next day to watch Ricky Hatton box. The last time I went Egg, I left at about 3, and got home at 7 in the morning. And seeing as I will be in a car heading to Manchester at 8, No sleep don't sound like a whole lotta fun.
Very enjoying this remix atm. All these youngers with their abilities; makes us lot feel awful old
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I've got this idea. It is based around the idea that increasingly I don't buy into the idea of music reflecting its environment. I thought wouldn't it be interesting to mix totally opposite sights and sounds.
Then I got to thinking about music videos. I can't think of any music videos which have done this mix of opposite sight and sounds.
My idea is to start a scene with a POV shot of an office. The guy is finishing his work. Tidying his work, filling stuff away, taking the last swig of a cup of long cold tea....Others are smiling, chatting, tapping keyboards and on and on and gaviscon. The guy gets up and gives his goodbyes, all smiles. He then walks through the streets with, for a reason unknown, everyone smiling and laughing when he passes. crooked sets of bent teeth meet him at his every turn as the sun shines on, its glare in the bouncing off the city buildings. The idea is that he walks on and on with this throbbing music and manic smiles following him - encased in a perfectly normal and mundane world... I guess kinda getting towards the David Lynch effect of the strange and macabre in the normal and the ordinary....
Maybe with this kind of tune... not sure if this is quite right yet....
Also I found this Hot Chip Remix of Wiley - Rolex: >>>
I think it's alright.
Me and CM were talking today about how happy we were about Wiley finally getting success and recognition while at the same time feeling a bit pissed off that people are only appreciating him and loving him off at this late stage in his music catalogue. But fuck that really. He's earning money, people are buzzing about him and the tune is wicked, and catchy and all that... but not a touch on what he is capable of lyrically or musically >>>
Also new Ireland Manager going Nuts, funny Italian bastard. Subtitles are a little dubious>>>
If you're a bit like me and you would like to lose weight without actually doing anything, I have some useful info for you. I've discovered a new milk called 1% milk as in 0.5% is Skimmed and 2% is Semi Skimmed, so this one's inbetween. I've tried it and it's really nice and not as runny as Skimmed. I think people who drink Skimmed milk are freaks, as it just looks like the top layer of milk that has gone off. I've only seen it in Sainsburys, surprisingly it's in the milk aisle. You should treat yourself and drink gallons of it. I've lost 3 stone after drinking just 1 pint.
Went into work and the cool, chilled manager was there. There wasn't much to do because of the good weather and the end of term. And then...
I'd just finished making a girl a coffee and was bringing it to her, when my friend Kim turned around unexpectedly. He was about to bump into said coffee so I pulled my hand away and as I did the boiling coffee spilt all over my right hand. It was VERY painful. My colleagues helped to me to run the poor hand under water and then wrap it in ice.
I kept alternating between the ice and water for 45 minutes or so and then decided, even though good intentioned, I didn't like the fussing. So I left work around 12. Without the cool water my hand stung out in the hot air, it was really intense, especially on the Victoria line back to Brixton. I felt like a prize fighter sucking in the pain. CM will remember the infamous sun burning accident. Well it was like that kind of pain but not as bad cause it was more localized., and even though it stung the same the sunburn had other strange effects.
When I got back to the Brix, I dashed into Boots and bought heavy duty Ibuprofen. Went home, scoffed more than I should of and kept my hand in water for about an hour. It doesn't really hurt now, but that could be the excessive drugs taking effect. The day's been pretty boring since then. I couldn't do Uni work, or earn money at work-work. Plus there's no real moral to learn from this accident. I just hope it heals up soon and doesn't happen again.
By the way the title of this post is a reference to the biggest of the blisters on my index finger, that looks like a strange growth. In a nut shell, I reckon there'd be pain in that pop.
What's hot and what's not. Are these things just used to fill page space in magazines, are they a useful guide to what's going on or have I taken a coversation with some fellow WS members a bit too far? Hot
Berlin- the New York of Europe( in my eyes) a cheap alternative weekend getaway, great culture, quirky bars, cool clubs, good quality food, excellent beer served in massive glass tankards and er C&A Ladytron- They have a great new album coming out soon, completely ignored by the mainstream but I'm sure they don't care except they probably don't make alot of money. This doesn't put them off making quality tunes and looking all mystical. Catch them at The Astoria on 15th May
Tapes- yes the humble cassette and the original portable music format. I dug mine out yesterday and had a mini tapefest, the sound quality might not be very good, they can get chewed up a bit and you have to turn them over to hear side 2 but music isn't always meant to be easy, they are a part of history and you should show them some respect.
Nice weather- it does what it says on the tin, lovely sunny days, even the most depressed people must have had their spirits lifted a little recently.
Alan Sugar- he might be a bit old and looks a bit like a battered teddy, but just admit it, you just so would. Whats Not Scooter- why do they exist? Who is to blame for letting them into a recording studio? And why do they have one of the longest adverts for their new album, which nearly plays most of it?
Euros- the exchange rate is really shit these days, it almost makes you want to go to the USA.
Summer- it also has it's downside,mainly people who commit hideous crimes against fashion, some people should just stay indoors and not walk around with most of their bits hanging out, I witnessed several puke inducing sights on Hampstead Heath yesterday, they should have a health warning. This also includes people who are too tight to buy suntan lotion and think it looks really cool to be covered in 2nd degree burns and half of their skin hanging off.
Photo's of Amy Winehouse - it's fair to say that most of us by now have seen pictures of her smoking, being pissed, drugged up, going into her house, in a taxi, going to the corner shop, having an argument, falling over, showing a new scar etc etc and it's so boring, you can hear communal groans when people open their Metro's in the morning with another world exclusive of her having a slash behind a car.
Thanks Sam although I'm not sure if empty pubs and sitting near ant infested litter are what you had in mind!
I remember the first time I heard Test Icicles. I hadn't heard much about them, but I asked for their album For Screening Puropses Only for Christmas, I don't really know why, just a flight of fancy. When I turned it on, it sounded like pure noise, they have been described by one critic (and is probably my favourite review ever) as "sounds like someone kicking a cast iron sink down some stone steps." But the more and more I listened to their album, the more it blew my head off. Every song at first sounds like it is being played in a garage by kids, but the more you listen, the more you realise these songs have been produced so close to perfect as is possible.
Cirlce.Square.Triangle When people ask me who my favourite band ever are; I tell them Test Icicles, of course, anyone worth their salt in all things capital radio do not have the first idea who Test Icicles are. They ask what type of music they are...and I am at a loss to explain or generalise. Rock? Thrash? Metal? Hardcore? emo? Emo-Hardcore? Indie? Alternative? Probably, but then probably not.
Unlike most, if not all bands, Test Icicles were not willing to perform for the likes of MTV to enhance their fame, well, they did once, in Germany and they had a right laugh, at the expense of quality and stunk the place up, just...because...
They decided they didn't enjoy making the type of music Test Icicles music played, so decided they would go their separate ways and make the music they wanted to do. With only one album & 2 singles released, the Test Icicles disbanded, leaving a very large Test Icicles-shaped hole in my heart.
But I did get to see them perform live at their last eeever gig in the Astoria.
I have to say it was the best evening I have ever had, they literally blew me away, and as I am writing this and thinking about it, I am getting goosebumps.
Test Icicles, did it their way, and when they didn't want to, they didn't.
The first time I saw M.I.A. it really was one of those moments, those, 'this is different, this is fresh' moments.
It was about three or four years ago and I was watching MTV Base before it totally wacked out. Out of the dirge of bleeting r'n'b and other junk they were playing at the time this video came on. (Just as a side note, they should play more Hip-Hop and Grime/UK 'Urban' stuff on 'Base'. You can see RnB everywhere and hear it enough from the back of the bus)
It was seemed so different from anything else that was round at the time. The world wasn't as 'hipster' (I don't like that word but I cant think of anything better to describe the culture of cool I think exists now) orientated at the time, so it didn't seem like 'calculated cool' it was just weird and interesting, the more I heard it, the more I really liked it. I think at first I tried in my head to put it in a genre (which I don't like doing - and couldn't), many years later, she is still one of very few artists that you can't pin down to one genre or trend. She actually says in Sunshowers "Can't stereotype my thing, yo!"
Of course M.I.A. really blew up, (figuratively speaking) last summer with her second album Kala. Both of her albums bring back good memories for me, but I'd say I prefer Kala a bit more, the Clash sampling Paper Planes was a bit unavoidable for a bit and justifiably. Also Bucky Done Gun, is a big tune from Arular.
I think M.I.A. is great. She's original, and has a really fresh approach. She and her producers make music thats like an amalgamation of every good bit of lot sof styles. Her vocal style is really unique, thinking about it now, its a bit like a punk slur sometimes - I reckon many will bite soon. Also one really good thing about M.I.A. is she has a social/political conscious and base to her music is without ramming it down your throat while not also not dumming down her message. There's no real video for this song but I think this song is the best example of what I just said and one of my personal fav-our--ritesssssssss. 20 Dollar:
XL isn't paying me to write this or anything, Maya Arulpragasam, unlike the many over hyped artists/bands of today, deserves plaudits.
On Tuesday I went to see my friend's band called What Every Woman Wants at The Social in Little Portland Street. I would describe the music as edgey 80's influenced electro pop, which is right up my alley, so I was very happy. I feel I'm allowed to like 80's influenced electro, as I was officially there the first time around, so I can't be accused of jumping on the bandwagon, I was just too young to go to gigs(yes, even me) at the time so now I can enjoy the live experience of bands doing their own take of it from that time. Anyway they were really good and worth checking out on MySpace and if like me, you're a bit shallow and feel it helps to like a new band if you fancy one of them, they are are all very attractive.
On Thursday I went to see Alphabeat at King's College. They were also surprisingly good if you like good quality pop music, with decent melodies. I thought my musical integrity was going to be stretched to the limit but that was not the case.They were really into giving a good show and really feeling the music which rubs off and makes you enjoy it. They seem like a very happy band, which makes a nice change. King's College is also very good for a venue as you get fab views of the Thames and they have a decent sound system. My only fault was that they seem to have built a quite a gay following(nothing wrong with that obviously) but a large chunk of them turned out to be squealing queens who try their upmost to annoy the hell out of you. Personally I I can't stand them but that's another blog for another time.
On Friday I attended CM's leaving do at The Miller near Guy's Hosptial. He has officially left the Logica workplace, so we got drunk to mark the occasion. It was a good night and a decent send off(which means we all got quite pissed) but it didn't hide the fact that many of us knew he will be genuinely missed. He is no longer here to brighten up our days with his many insights(some down right bizarre) on many things such as life, love, hate, gym, grime and Catford to mention a few but I'm sure he will be satisfied in the knowledge that he has left behind a scene of mass hysteria, similar to when Take That split up. Quite frankly I'm sick of hearing women and even grown men blubbing all day.
Wasted Superstars' own favourite son: Kalou has posted a song on his myspace.
It is delightfully entitled, Ciara - My Goodies (Wasted Superstars remix) I don't know why he has did it with a Ciara song. Surely there are a bundle of songs he could of done it with. I would of done 'Pick up the phone' R. Kelly, Tyrese & Ludacris...cos that song it illin'
Also, Ciara is too long and skinny, and remember that time everyone spread that nasty rumour that she was a man? I don't know, but I wouldn't really think it's best to love off girls who have them sort of rumours,. Rihanna is a lovely proportion, and he legs were insured for a million dollars. I wonder how much Ciara's legs were insured for?
5. Texting - Always sounds really stupid when you read it back in the morning
4. The Internet - Similar to texting but your likely to write more and therefore risk not only being dumb but possibly offensive
3. Blazing - It doesn't mix. Seems like a good idea at the time until your brain is swimming around your head and continuously bumping into the sides.
2. Girls - Although being tipsy/drunk is commonly seen as the best time to talk to girls/boys you like the look of, its not. It will most probably end in an embarrassing and/or saddening way.
1. Drinking More - Self explanatory really but side effects include vomiting in the gutter, banging headache in the morning and depletion of monetary funds.
Don't worry though, drinking isn't all doom and gloom. Find out why in the next installment!
When I designed the logo (to the left of the page) about two years ago, it was really cool and stuff. But now two years later, it's looking a bit old, and if the Wasted Superstars are going to make it anywhere in life (because, of course, we're going to the top) then we need a less copywrite-infringing logo. So instead of designing it myself, I will let the masses decide.
So if you want to design a logo for Wasted Superstars, send a comment. If you win, I don't know what yet, but something special will happen for you, I just don't know what yet.
Does anyone know if there's anything worthwhile coming up? I mean, there hasn't been a really heavy grime night in ages, since Skepta's launch at Cargo I'd say. Obviously Skepta & Wiley in the Amersham was off the chart. But it seems to be Deadly Rhythm/No Pain In Pop nights that are happening and nuffing else
Dirty Canvas are doing this, and you know Dirty Canvas always put on a good show In 93 feet east. The only other time I was in 93 feet east was when the Ubernators supported MC Lars, and what a night that was. Also notice, Tomb Crew are edging out Prancehall in the listing, I reckon they should have some sort of tear up to who wins my affection (no homo)
I might go to that and see if I can hug Wiley again, but not in a creepy way
And talking of Deadly Rhythm & No Pain in Pop (I did, look up^) This is happening on the 16th May, one day before the Dirty Canvas one. That's gonna be a messy weekend But it's gonna be the cream of the crop. I heard all of the DJs on the Banga night are all bassline/garage/grime DJs. So it's gonna be a really good sound