Friday, October 17, 2008

Went to Brick Lane this evening and had a curry with my mates Paul and Miesner.

After getting harassed by all the stand in the doorway salesman we arrived at our chosen place - Aladdin's (which is fucking good by the way, really nice food, pretty cheap and wicked atmosphere. Oh and the guys who run it are dressed like gangsters.)

Anyway I was standing around outside having a smoke and this good looking girl strolls by, se had a really curvy figure and held herself well (one might say). The doorman looks at me, flicks his tongue out and goes "she's not a tiger mate, she's a lion!" I cracked up. Doorman always think they're the shit don't they.

Big up doorman and big up lions not tigers.


jeany. said...

I'm jealous. Actually you should check out this place called Alauddin. Best Chom Chom ever (indian sweets). They have one on brick lane and one in america. I love indian food mmmmm

RC said...

Indian food is the lick.

Chom Chom eh? A whole new world....

Ricky Moreno said...

i do not understand the difference between lion and tiger?

Anonymous said...

I second the doorman bigging up! (I am slightly biased)