Well old people are a funny breed of people are they not? Some chose to mature into sweet Shreddie knitting, cuddly and war telling storytellers and then there are those that seem to have a 70 year old chip on their shoulder they should of lost in their early teens complaining of anything from the weather to just about anything. I know what elderly person i prefer.
Their is a story to this post and it's quite small but kind of got to me. I was walking home from work yesterday and cut through Downham (which for those who do not know is 'the area' and 'capital city' for old people) with my earphones in listening to X.FM when I was stopped by an old lady. My original thought was this lady is rude as she could clearly see i had my music playing in my earphones with a face that said 'piss off! I'm walking home' but then i thought to listen instead of being completely ignorant. She explained to me the house she was standing outside was hers and that she had a bug on her ceiling that wouldn't go away. First of all, I tried to make a quick excuse by saying 'have you not got a relative that can help?' and she said no and then my conscious came into play and thought 'help not hinder'. I went inside and it was every ones top three hated bug, the stag beetle. I asked her for a bucket and trapped it and then squeezed a bit of cardboard around it and removed from her home. I felt like a hero.
Well i did at the time, until later, when i thought of the old ladies reactions. It really bugged me if you pardon the pun. She barely said thank you. I thought old ladies are suppose to love young lads and offer them tea and biscuits and offer them an opportunity to join her and Fred (first name to mind - typical old person name) down to bingo on Fridays. I got nothing from her. I suppose in today's world everyone is getting a colder/harder heart and those war stories and genuine happy days are disappearing. It's a shame but wouldn't it be nice if today's future could create a period like the 60's free spirit again but maybe without the sexual disease?
Their is a story to this post and it's quite small but kind of got to me. I was walking home from work yesterday and cut through Downham (which for those who do not know is 'the area' and 'capital city' for old people) with my earphones in listening to X.FM when I was stopped by an old lady. My original thought was this lady is rude as she could clearly see i had my music playing in my earphones with a face that said 'piss off! I'm walking home' but then i thought to listen instead of being completely ignorant. She explained to me the house she was standing outside was hers and that she had a bug on her ceiling that wouldn't go away. First of all, I tried to make a quick excuse by saying 'have you not got a relative that can help?' and she said no and then my conscious came into play and thought 'help not hinder'. I went inside and it was every ones top three hated bug, the stag beetle. I asked her for a bucket and trapped it and then squeezed a bit of cardboard around it and removed from her home. I felt like a hero.
Well i did at the time, until later, when i thought of the old ladies reactions. It really bugged me if you pardon the pun. She barely said thank you. I thought old ladies are suppose to love young lads and offer them tea and biscuits and offer them an opportunity to join her and Fred (first name to mind - typical old person name) down to bingo on Fridays. I got nothing from her. I suppose in today's world everyone is getting a colder/harder heart and those war stories and genuine happy days are disappearing. It's a shame but wouldn't it be nice if today's future could create a period like the 60's free spirit again but maybe without the sexual disease?
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